Kill Bill

Win a double pass to the Kill Bill Double Screening In The House in Sydney

Here comes The Bride in the ultimate In The House Tarantino Double at Event Cinemas George St with Kill Bill: Vol 1 and Kill Bill: Vol 2 back to back on August 25th. We learn that revenge is a dish best served cold in this deadly pursuit. This is a rare chance to see Tarantino’s…

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Quentin Tarantino’s 9 most violent scenes

That Quentin Tarantino is quite the unique film maker no? With a filmography spanning more than two decades, the 52 year old continues to make entertaining films that are nothing like anything else being made. One of these reasons may very well be his unflinching penchant for violence and its ability not only to progress…

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The Top 10 Most Badass Heroines From the Big Screen

With the final Hunger Games film slowly approaching, and the end in sight for the popular female-led trilogy, we celebrate our top 10 film heroines of all time. From Disney’s Mulan, to Katniss herself, these badass ladies lead a wave of female empowerment on the big screen, particularly in the realm of young adult book-to-film adaptations.  So what…

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