Of all the ways to ruminate on grief and loss, a stop-motion animated dramedy is not the most obvious option, but, despite the whimsical nature of the medium, Adam Elliot‘s heartbreaking Memoir of a Snail proves such a catharsis on the emotion. Animated it may be, Memoir of a Snail is not a child-friendly affair,…
Read more“He’s just a man, Peter. Only another man.” – Rose (Kirsten Dunst) Benedict Cumberbatch and Jesse Plemons star as Phil and George Burbank; brothers who work as reputable cattle ranchers. George is a simple, upstanding and honest man while Phil is boastful, malevolent and manly. While Phil is happy with their routine of continuing the…
Read moreIt’s hard to witness any Hollywood film franchise released in this day and age without an Aussie attached. Names like Hugh Jackman, Margot Robbie, Jai Courtney, Rebel Wilson and the brothers Hemsworth are but a few who have found stardom in the land of the rich and famous. However, the names you now know well are…
Read moreX-Men: Apocalypse delivers the super fights, the superhero costumes, the supervillain and the super team. But was this latest X-Men film so special that, if it was a person, it would be enrolled at Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters? Yes and no. Mild spoilers ahead. Set in 1983, 10 years after the previous Days of…
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