
SXSW Interview: Director Kourtney Roy and actress Chloe Pirrie on their Kryptic collaboration; “You can never lean into the obvious.”

A psycho-thriller about a woman’s search for a missing monster hunter and her growing realisation that she is inescapably linked to the creature being pursued, Kryptic is sure to be one of SXSW’s most talked about projects. And it’s why Peter Gray had to speak to the film’s director, Kourtney Roy, and lead actress, Chloe…

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Kryptic is a Lynchian-like thriller that indulges in its confusing, confronting narrative: SXSW Film & TV Festival Review

Towards the beginning of the creepy and ambiguous Kryptic, a tour guide overseeing the Cedar Springs Women’s Walking Club explains what cryptozoology is.  “It means the study of the hidden,” he states as he details Barb Valentine, a cryptozoologist who went missing in the very same British Columbia hinterland the group is currently hiking through….

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