Lady Leshurr

Music Video of the Day: Lady Leshurr “OMW” (2018)

“Hit my line and I’m on my way,” Lady Leshurr states, quite simply. Set against a beat that urges the listener to get down with their bad selves, the latest from British artist is a slice of heat that cuts through this dreary wintry mode we’ve found ourselves in. The music video brings the hot club…

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Groovin the Moo lands Paul Kelly, Royal Blood, Lady Leshurr & more for 2018 tour

As one of the only remaining Australian touring festivals still enjoying successes year in and year out, Groovin the Moo is an example of an event that knows its market, knows its formula for success, and knows how to execute it each year. With a line up that appeals to the younger, first-time festival demographic, as…

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