Last Week Tonight With John Oliver

Here is what happens when you call 1-800 THIS-IS-LEGAL after watching Last Week Tonight

If you are in Australia and watch Last Week Tonight with John Oliver – HBO’s weekly hilarious news series – chances are you were told to call a number which, being in Australia, wasn’t possible to call. Well, thankfully, this is the internet and someone else has done that job for you. Here’s what happened when…

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What To Watch: The Iris’ Weekly TV Picks (29th July-4th August 2015)

Need to catch a TV break and don’t know what to watch? Simon takes us through his top picks on must-see shows and films for the week. Click through to see what’s showing for your entertainment needs. Wednesday 29th July 2015 Bosch-SBS-9.30pm AEST For those unfamiliar with the character of Hieronymus ‘Harry’ Bosch, you’ve got…

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