Lazy Wax

The Jungle Giants

Photo Gallery: The Jungle Giants + Bag Raiders + Lazy Wax – Thebarton Theatre (11.02.22)

The Jungle Giants hit Thebarton Theatre like a breath of fresh air considering the reduced number of shows in recent times. Opening with some older favourites, before showcasing their latest album Love Signs, the audience were as energetic as COVID restrictions would allow. Bag Raiders and LazyWax warmed up the proceedings with dance and house…

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Live Review: Lakyn + KESMAR – Low 302, Sydney (14.11.19)

Tucked away in Surry Hills sits the candlelit Low 302, easily missed if not for the bustle of people out front on a Thursday night. The at-capacity venue hosted Lakyn, aka Lakyn Heperi who we came to fall in love with on our screens when he appeared on Season One of The Voice. Opening the intimate…

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