Lego Star Wars

LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga Review: May the bricks be with you

The lightsaber battles. Dogfights. Distant planets. Iconic characters. The Star Wars saga has brought with it many memorable moments that have stood the test of time. While I won’t begin to list those moments here, LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga has decided to cram them all into one neat package, reinventing the LEGO game formula…

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Here are your free Xbox Games with Gold for September

This month’s free game haul for Xbox Live subscribers is a pretty solid one. This month sees the usual drop of four free titles, ranging from strategy to indies, family games and retro gems. So here’s what you get: Xbox One: Prison Architect — available Sept. 1 to 30 Livelock — available Sept. 16 to…

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Video Games Review: Lego Star Wars: The Force Awakens (PS4, 2016)

I feel like I owe The Force Awakens a pretty significant debt. It’s not only brought the Star Wars franchise back to life in the post-prequels era but now it’s returning the license to the Lego series to lift them out of their slump following Lego Marvel’s Avengers. This new entry in the Lego series is amongst the its very…

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