Liquid Time

Caroline and Claude

New Music Discoveries 16th June: Caroline & Claude, Bombay Bicycle Club, Ducks! and more

It’s hard to believe, but we are nearly halfway through 2023. Anyway, let’s not linger on that thought. This week we’ve added another ten songs to our Discovery playlist on Spotify and Apple Music. Our Track of the Week is the dreamy “Slap” from sibling duo Caroline & Claude. The interplay between the vocals of…

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Liquid Time

Exclusive EP Premiere: Liquid Time – Working Nights (2023 EP)

Sydney’s northern beaches seems to be a breeding ground for bands that cross genres. The quintet Liquid Time is another fine example of a band that has its foot in many camps. They effortlessly float between psych-rock, nu-disco and indie surf-rock. They have recently dropped two fabulous singles, “Forever” and “Seeing Green”. Tomorrow they release…

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