Mad Max 2

The answer from tonight’s In The House trivia question for Mad Max 2!

If you were at tonight’s screening of Mad Max 2 in Sydney, you may have seen this trivia question grace the screen. So, were you listening out for Mel Gibson’s 16 lines of dialogue? Indeed, one of those lines is repeated twice, which is: “I only came for the gasoline”. For more details on In…

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Win a double pass to attend a special screening of Mad Max 2!

Some of the most celebrated films are returning to the big screen at Event Cinemas George St, with their In The HouseProgram! Hosted by Channel 7’s Jason ‘Jabba’ Davis, and Quinny from Supanova Pop Culture Expo, the next film in the program is the classic Mad Max 2. In aniticipation of the release of Fury…

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