Magic Mike XXL

Film Review: Channing Tatum is given a carnally romantic, welcomingly sensual send-off in Magic Mike’s Last Dance

In 2012’s Magic Mike, Channing Tatum‘s titular performer lamented that he didn’t want to be a “40 year old stripper”.  The irony isn’t lost some decade on where Tatum’s Mike, having seemingly failed at his planned custom furniture business, has to fall back on his expert set of skills.  And, as we would expect, the…

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This Week’s DVD Release Picks: Self-made Legends (23rd October 2015)

This week’s DVD releases all feature self-made men and women, who have something to prove to the world, whether it be through through fighting, vengeance, or…stripping.

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Film Review: Magic Mike XXL (MA15+, USA, 2015)

So let’s get one thing straight from the get-go with this film, this is a movie about a bunch of “male entertainers” (aka strippers) so it’s a given that it’ll be a basic story and be overloaded with a lot of attractive semi-naked men in it. If you’re coming for anything more meaningful than that,…

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Seven things we learnt at the Magic Mike XXL Australian Arena Premiere in Sydney*

*Some facts may or may not be said in jest Monday. July 6th. 2015. The magic begins. After a surprisingly well choreographed, and I might I add scintillating, dance routine from an all-male Aussie troupe dubbed the ‘Magic Mike XXL Aussie Dancers, the men of the hour – one Mr Channing Tatum and a Mr…

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Seven Films (and One Special Screening) not to miss in Australian cinemas this July!

July has arrived! And with it are a string of the American blockbusters that usually come with it. But, that won’t stop the variety, with documentaries about famous musicians, a take on the later years of Sherlock Holmes and the return of an Anime classic amongst the films we’re excited to see on the big…

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Channing Tatum and Joe Manganiello set to come to Sydney for the Magic Mike XXL Arena Premiere

Magic Mike XXL picks up three years after Mike bowed out of the stripper life at the top of his game. The sequel finds the remaining Kings of Tampa likewise ready to throw in the towel. But they want to do it their way: burning down the house in one last blow-out performance in Myrtle Beach, and…

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