Master of None

The 10 best TV shows of 2017 (…so far) from Australia and around the world

Many out there reckon we’re in the golden age of television right now, and given the difficulties our team had in creating this list, we don’t disagree. After much debate, here now are the ten TV shows that have aired so far this year on TV and streaming services, that we consider to be the…

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Award winning Master Of None‘s anticipated second season gets a trailer

Aziz Ansari’s Emmy award-winning comedy series Master of None is returning to Netflix next month, and the streaming service are teasing us with what to expect via an all-too-brief 70 second trailer that was released earlier this month. After traveling abroad, the show’s second season sees Dev (Aziz Ansari) return to New York to take…

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Aziz Ansari’s Master of None renewed for a second season

Comedian Aziz Ansari’s has confirmed that a second season of his Netflix comedy Master of None is on the way. Netflix hasn’t spoken up about the length or when audiences can expect to see the series return yet but Aziz took to Twitter to share the news. Master of None Season 2 coming 2017. Thanks for…

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