Metro Arts

Theatre Review: Refraction Theatre burst onto the Brisbane stage, with the Australian premiere of Jesse Eisenberg’s The Revisionist

David, an American science fiction author with a serious case of writer’s block, needs to get out of the city. A distant relative, in a quiet Polish town, seems like a good bet. But where David sees an opportunity for isolation, cousin Maria sees a chance to reconnect with a family that rarely calls and…

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Theatre Review: Lot Vekeman’s Poison visits Metro Arts Theatre, Brisbane (until 19th May)

The quiet suffering of grief can be as soft as gravel crunching underfoot to some and as loud as a car crash to others. No matter how it feels it is always heard. Perhaps that is the intended message of Lot Vekeman’s Poison? Catarina Hebbard, the director of this production, interestingly enough compares the characters…

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Theatre Review: Jane and Kel go to Hell is a hilarious Dante’s Inferno for the avo-on-toast generation (to April 7th at Metro Arts, Brisbane)

After Jane spectacularly quits her awful job, she and housemate Kel decide it’s time to rent out the sunroom. Roy seems to be the perfect candidate. He’s quiet and he cooks and he’s not looking to impose on the girls’ karaoke nights any time soon. But Kel isn’t so sure and she’s ready to put…

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Theatre Review: The Bluebird Mechanicals is marvellously nervewracking (Performances in Brisbane to 16th September)

Be they flocking or fleeing, birds are always a sign of impending danger. Hell, if you grew up in Brisbane, the clicking sound of a magpie’s beak and the beat of black wings are a certain sign of danger. The Bluebird Mechanicals is no less than this. A neat artist’s palate of danger organised, devised…

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POPSART: Metro Arts intimately takes over, with masturbation master classes, geo-politics and queer narratives.

The emergence of participatory art with a desire to move viewers out of the role of passive observers into the role of co-creators has been evolving for decades in contemporary art and theatre practice and theory. In the 70’s, artist and activist Joseph Beuys created the term “Social Sculpture” to illustrate his idea of art’s…

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Theatre Review: England by Tim Crouch is a masterfully crafted production (Performances in Brisbane until 29th April)

What is the price of a heart? The very source of love and life is taken from one to give to another as flippantly as trading a piece of artwork… sold to the highest bidder. Except, in this case, it was stolen goods, traded by deceit. England, a masterfully crafted play by British playwright, Tim…

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Review: CARGO CLUB is a highly charged examination of personal identity, culture, and history (performances at Metro Arts, Brisbane until February 18th)

Presented as part of BrisAsia Festival, a host of international performers welcome audiences to Cargo Club, an immersive experience exploring global themes and personal experiences. Spoken word, ancient ritual, live art, and cool tunes come together as artists tell their stories, unpacking their own ‘cargo’ in a true cultural melting pot. A joint collaboration between…

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