Michael Fassbender

Film Review: Kneecap is riotous and confronting as it bridges the gap between politics and crowd-pleasing

A far deeper, more important film than many may be expecting from what is being sold on the surface, Rich Peppiatt‘s Kneecap speaks to the importance of language preservation within the fictionalised biopic framing of its titular rap group. There’s an undeniable energy to Peppiatt’s direction as he throws an array of substances at the…

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Win tickets to the new Irish comedy Kneecap starring Michael Fassbender

Thanks to Madman Entertainment, we have 10 double in-season passes (Admit 2) to giveaway to the wild Irish language comedy Kneecap, a real-life story of how the titular anarchic Belfast trio became the unlikely figureheads of a civil rights movement to save their mother tongue. The film won the Audience Award at Sundance this year…

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Film Review: Next Goal Wins; Inspiring underdog tale returns Taika Waititi to his humble roots as a filmmaker

If you browse long enough on Twitter, sorry, X, you’ll note that there’s still chatter and self-diagnosed “hot takes” regarding Taika Waititi‘s 2019 outing Jojo Rabbit.  The film already had its share of detractors in the immediate aftermath of its release, but an Oscar win for Best Screenplay and the general good word for its…

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Film Review: The Killer is a precise and darkly comedic antidote for genre expectation

With its tried and true premise, and graphic novel origins, one may expect The Killer to fall into the expected traps and tropes of the hitman subsect of the action genre.  And though that wouldn’t necessarily be a bad thing, with David Fincher at the helm, as well as reuniting with his Se7en screenwriter Andrew…

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Brisbane International Film Festival unveils full program, including the Australian premiere of Next Goal Wins

The Brisbane International Film Festival (BIFF), presented by MINI, has announced its 2023 program with an incredible line-up of Queensland and Australian premiere features, with Taika Waititi’s Next Goal Wins, starring Michael Fassbender, serving as the Australian premiere and Closing Night event. BIFF’s program is further brimming with Queensland premieres from highly acclaimed and visionary…

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Losing is the new winning in the trailer for Taika Waititi’s Next Goal Wins

Inspired by a true story – that pretty much actually happened – from the Academy Award losing director of Jojo Rabbit, Taika Waititi, Next Goal Wins tells the story of the American Samoa soccer team, who suffered the worst loss in World Cup history, losing to Australia 31-0 in 2001. With the 2014 World Cup…

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Film Review: X-Men: Dark Phoenix is mutant X-Crement

It has been almost two decades since the X-Men franchise started and now it has finally come to an end. Over the years, we have had a series of generally positive outcomes from this franchise — a list of mostly great films and a handful of very bad ones. For every film like X2: X-Men…

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Film Review: The Snowman (USA, 2017) is in desperate need of an ice kicking

WARNING: May contain excessive amounts of puns. Another week, another film set in the snowy terrain. This week, we have The Snowman, a serial killer thriller starring Michael Fassbender, Rebecca Ferguson and a embarrassment of talent. But unlike the prior film, The Mountain (of Cheese) Between Us, this film has achieved quite a negative reception…

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Film Review: Assassin’s Creed (M15+) (USA, 2016) is another game-to-screen disappointment

The majority of videogame films are, for a lack of a better term, complete tosh. From catastrophes like Street Fighter, Super Mario Bros. and most of Uwe Boll‘s filmography to films that are close to viewer satisfaction like Final Fantasy VII – Advent Children and Ace Attorney, the reputation of videogame films is not something…

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The second Assassin’s Creed movie trailer gives the historic game a modern twist

20th Century Fox has released the second Assassin’s Creed movie trailer, and it is super high-tech. The newest game to film adaption is heading to the big screen, created by Ubisoft the historical fiction game, Assassin’s Creed, got a taste of the modern day in the newest trailer release.

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Noomi Rapace returns as doctor Elizabeth Shaw to Alien: Covenant

Actress Noomi Rapace will again join the screen as doctor Elizabeth Shaw, reprising her role for Ridley Scott’s imminent feature Alien: Covenant. After dipping in and out of the project as a lead to a cameo, it now appears Rapace will front the sequel to Scott’s 2012 Prometheus. Alongside Rapace, Michael Fassbender will also be…

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Film Review: X-Men: Apocalypse (M 15+) (USA, 2016)

X-Men: Apocalypse delivers the super fights, the superhero costumes, the supervillain and the super team. But was this latest X-Men film so special that, if it was a person, it would be enrolled at Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters? Yes and no. Mild spoilers ahead. Set in 1983, 10 years after the previous Days of…

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Good news! The first trailer for the Assassin’s Creed movie is here!

It’s been a long time coming but the Michael Fassebender-fronted historical thriller finally has its first full trailer. Based on Ubisoft‘s megapopular videogame franchise, Assassin’s Creed will see Fassbender take on the role of a man kidnapped by a sinister corporation and forced to relive the memories of his Spanish ancestor. Watch the trailer below: Assassin’s Creed…

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New stills released from the set of Assassin’s Creed

Showcasing a naturalistic look and feel, new official stills have been released from the set of the anticipated Assassin’s Creed film. The video game adaptation, which comes out December 21st this year, is directed by Justin Kurzel, who leads the film after his gruesome The Snowtown Murders and recent Macbeth, which also stars the lead, Michael Fassbender. Alongside Fassbender stars Michael Kenneth…

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Michael Fassbender attains the role of serial killer in Entering Hades

Broad Green Pictures have reportedly gotten the film rights to the John Leake true crime novel Entering Hades, which will be turned into a film starring Michael Fassbender as Jack Unterweger, who was a well-respected Austrian author/journalist investigating murders and secretly killing people at night. In this chilling tale, Unterweger manages to dump eleven dead…

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Fuel for your nightmares: first look at Ridley Scott’s Alien: Covenant

Production of Ridley Scott‘s Prometheus sequel, Alien: Covenant is well and truly underway and now there’s a picture to prove it. While there’s no sign yet of Michael Fassbender (reprising his role as David) or any titular aliens, the picture, via the film’s twitter page, does give a brief glimpse of what’s to come. The image…

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Assassins Creed film is already getting a sequel

The Michael Fassbender-fronted adaption of Ubisoft’s historical open-world video game series isn’t due till December but 20th Century Fox and New Regency have already working towards releasing a sequel, The Tracking Board reports. It’s hard to know what to expect from Assassins Creed. Though we’ve gotten a few stills here and there from the film, no official trailers have yet…

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Help Leo attain his prized Oscar in new flash game

With his Oscar hopes recently bolstered by The Revenant win at the WGAs, you can now help Leonardo DiCaprio achieve his goal in a new browser game. Called Red Carpet Rampage, it’s a charming 2D sidescrolling-brawler that pokes fun at everything from DiCaprio’s fellow Oscar forerunners Matt Damon, Michael Fassbender and Eddie Redmayne to the…

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Aaron Sorkin and Danny Boyle Talk Up Steve Jobs In New Clips

Hot off Steve Jobs’ recent success at the Golden Globes, Universal have released a series of short video featurettes about the ambitious biopic. The first, ‘Creating Steve Jobs’, sees director Danny Boyle and screenwriter Aaron Sorkin talk about how the film walks the line between fact and fiction. According to Sorkin “the difference between characters…

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Film Review: Macbeth (CTC, UK/FRA/USA, 2015)

There have been plenty of adaptations of the Shakespeare play but this one from Australian director Justin Kurzel is a powerfully intense and brutal take on the tale of the Scottish warrior. This interpretation takes the baseline story of Macbeth and sets it in a dramatic re-imagining of ancient war-times in the Scottish highlands. After…

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