Minecraft Story Mode

Telltale announces free premiere episode of Minecraft: Story Mode

Telltale Games has announced that they are releasing the season premiere episode of the popular Minecraft: Story Mode – A Telltale Games Series for free. The episodic point-and-click adventure has eight episodes in total, at a price of $9.35 AUS per episode on Xbox One and $7.99 on iOS, which means that the newest discount will…

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Minecraft: Story Mode eighth episode launches September 13th

Telltale Games’ third and final episode in their Minecraft: Story Mode add on series ‘Adventure Pass’ is only a week away. Entitled ‘Episode 8: A Journey’s End?’ the newest episode will feature two new guest stars. 

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Video Games Review: Minecraft: Story Mode (Xbox One, 2015)

Minecraft: Story Mode feels like a bit of a narrative passing of the torch in a lot of respects. Its first two episodes are filled with clever references that kids who grew up in the 80’s and 90’s will pounce on but the bulk of its story is aimed squarely at the next generation of…

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Patton Oswalt battles creepers in first trailer for Telltale’s Minecraft: Story Mode

Telltale Games have made an appearance at Minecon 2015 in London over the weekend, bringing the first trailer for their next episodic adventure, Minecraft: Story Mode.

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