Mirror’s Edge Catalyst

Video Games Review: Mirror’s Edge Catalyst (PS4, 2016)

The fact that Mirror’s Edge Catalyst exists at all is a minor miracle. When the original Mirror’s Edge released in 2008, it sank like a stone in the sales charts. Despite clunky combat and some glaring clipping issues, it still managed to amass a small fan base who enjoyed its willingness to try something new. Can Catalyst give…

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The 5 best games of April so far, and what we can’t wait to play in May

April is known as a “dry season” month in which very few video games are released. This time of year, the AAA hype train is usually slowing its roll, playing its cards to its chest as E3 looms in the middle-distance. 2016 has been bucking the trend though! March was full of great games! And then…

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Gamescom 2015: Here’s five beautiful minutes of Mirror’s Edge Catalyst gameplay

DICE have dropped a full five minutes of gamplay footage from 2016’s Mirror’s Edge Catalyst during EA’s Gamescom media event last night and if you’re in any way excited for Faith’s return, you’re going to be very pleased indeed. The trailer shows Faith infiltrating a corporate headquarters using her parkour abilities before being made and having to…

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