Nikon Z6

Nikon Z6 Review: Full Frame, Fast-Shooting and Fantastic 4K

Full frame, fast-shooting and 4K – that’s a great combination. Nikon’s new Z series mirrorless body the Z6 offers all of these things, while still being light enough to carry around and powerful enough to perform in low light. It’s not without its quirks, but they certainly aren’t enough to hold it back as a…

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Tech Feature: An evening with Nikon’s New Z7 and Z6 mirrorless cameras and lenses

Nikon are currently mid-tour, travelling around the country for their Z Series roadshow showcasing the new Z7 and Z6 mirrorless cameras and lenses. I tagged along to the Gold Coast leg of the roadshow to meet the team, see these cameras in action and test them out for myself. You’d be hard-pressed to find a…

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