Nimrod Antal

Film Review: Retribution; Disbelief suspension abounds in (another) Liam Neeson action outing

There’s something rather amusing about the fact that even though Liam Neeson has a vast career of playing everything from a Jedi master to historical figures, it’s the not-always-an-average-man-with-a-certain-set-of-skills archetype that he’s become synonymous with.  Ever since Taken proved that the then-56-year-old was a force to be reckoned with, the now 71-year-old has settled into…

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Interview: Retribution director Nimród Antal on contained action, working with Liam Neeson, and the films that inspired him

As a filmmaker Nimród Antal has effortlessly aligned himself within the action-thriller genre space.  Whether he’s terrorising Luke Wilson and Kate Beckinsale in the snuff-film horror Vacancy, or  exercising the limits of predator and prey in the science-fiction sequel Predators, the Hungarian director knows his way around a thrilling set-piece; something that came in handy…

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