Nutella Road Trip

There’s a free Nutella food truck making its way along the East Coast this month

Yes you heard right, as if New South Wales wasn’t Nutella crazed enough, as if we already didn’t have enough Nutella cafes or Tella bars or chocolate festivals where Nutella is uber prominent in everything or infamous donuts filled with chocolatey hazelnut goodness (I’m looking at you Krispy Kreme). Those sexy evil geniuses at Nutella…

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Chocolate fans rejoice! A Nutella food truck is making stops in NSW and VIC

The days of eating Nutella on white bread are over. The team behind the beloved chocolate hazelnut spread are on a food drive designed to get people thinking about new ways to eat and enjoy Nutella. In an Australian first a Nutella food truck will be travelling through New South Wales and Victoria handing out…

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