One Star

Film Review: X-Men: Dark Phoenix is mutant X-Crement

It has been almost two decades since the X-Men franchise started and now it has finally come to an end. Over the years, we have had a series of generally positive outcomes from this franchise — a list of mostly great films and a handful of very bad ones. For every film like X2: X-Men…

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Film Review: The Bookshop (UK, 2018) will make you want to stay home and read a book instead

Isabel Coixet has always been a talented filmmaker, making understated drama films dealing with issues like existentialism and inner turmoil to great aplomb. Although there have been some highs in her filmography like My Life Without Me and The Secret Life of Words (both starring the talented actress/director Sarah Polley), her last few films have…

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Film Review: The Snowman (USA, 2017) is in desperate need of an ice kicking

WARNING: May contain excessive amounts of puns. Another week, another film set in the snowy terrain. This week, we have The Snowman, a serial killer thriller starring Michael Fassbender, Rebecca Ferguson and a embarrassment of talent. But unlike the prior film, The Mountain (of Cheese) Between Us, this film has achieved quite a negative reception…

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Film Review: Transformers: The Last Knight (USA, 2017) is a nonsensical, explosion littered mess

It’s gotten to a point now where it doesn’t matter what you think. 2014’s soft reboot Transformers: Age of Extinction was a woeful film, torn apart by critics and made its predecessors look like Citizen Kane in comparison. And yet, it grossed over $1 billion worldwide. It maintains a spot in the top 20 highest…

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Film Review: Kung Fu Yoga (China/India, 2017) is a disappointment for Jackie Chan fans

Before I get into this review, let’s get this out of the way. Ever since I first saw one of his films on SBS, I’ve been a huge fan of Jackie Chan, due to his incredible dexterity, creative fight choreography, amazing stuntwork and his likable aw-shucks persona. But like every action hero, the thing that…

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Film Review: My Pet Dinosaur (Australia, 2017) follows a well-trodden path

Australia is not widely known for its family fantasy films. But with a plot replicating that age-old story of a boy befriending and protecting a mythical creature from the government, surely this film would fit safely into the same mould, right? Unfortunately and somewhat unsurprisingly, the answer is, in the case of Matt Drummond’s new…

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Monster Fest Film Review: Dearest Sister (Laos, 2016) has an identity crisis

Laos director Mattie Do’s sophomore film Dearest Sister has an identity crisis. It just isn’t sure what story it wants to tell. And its an issue that is never repaired throughout its needless 100 minute running time. When Nok goes to stay with her blind and affluent sister Ana, the two begin fighting after Nok finds out…

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Film Review: Office Christmas Party (USA, 2016) delivers chaos but no comedy

Subplots run amok in Office Christmas Party, an overwraught holiday comedy that marks a return to the big screen for directors Josh Gordon and Will Speck, who are best known for the Will Ferrell and Jon Heder mishap Blades of Glory. Though unlike the 2007 sports comedy, the team’s latest feature doesn’t have the thick…

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Monster Fest Film Review: The Greasy Strangler (USA, 2016) is… undeniably original

Sometimes when you review movies, you’ll occasionally take something that you had no clue existed, and upon watching it, you’ll only be left with more questions. The Greasy Strangler is one of those movies. It’s the type of film that you tell your friends to watch, if only to have someone to go to therapy…

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DVD Review: Dead 7 (R18+) (USA, 2016) is no Walking Dead – but there are boy bands!

Apparently we live in a world where members of boybands decide that writing and starring in a post-apocalyptic zombie filled cowboy shoot-em-up Western is a good idea. Initially when I saw the trailer for this film I had a little optimism that it could be one of those “so bad it’s almost good” type of…

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DVD Review: Jeruzalem (Israel, 2015)

Another month, another found footage horror film. Well, ostensibly. You see, Jeruzalem approaches the sub-genre with (credit where it’s due) an interesting new take, but still manages to completely cock it up by the end. Which isn’t anything new for these films but seeing the opportunity unfurl and then burn right in front of your…

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Film Review: Dirty Grandpa (MA15+) (USA, 2016)

Best known for co-writing on Sasha Baron Cohen projects (Borat, Ali G), Dan Mazer’s 2013 directorial debut I Give It A Year was a crowd-pleasing, fairly underrated romantic comedy, that brought together a stellar cast and showed Mazer as a Director to watch in the commercial sphere. Fast forward three years and Mazer’s follow up film,…

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Film Review: By The Sea (USA, 2015)

“What a waste of a good holiday”, exclaimed the woman seated next to me as the credits rolled. And she’s not wrong – there’s plenty of things I’d do in France if I was given the chance. I would swim every single day. I’d go for walks in the beautiful countryside. I’d drink every bar…

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DVD Review: Mega Shark vs. Kolossus (USA, 2015)

I know what you’re thinking. “Ryan, didn’t you just write a review for 3 Headed Shark Attack? There’s even a link right here) Yes, I did. Call me a glutton for punishment. Someone has to do it!! So this one isn’t so easy to explain if you can believe that. Bare with with me. So…

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DVD Review: 3 Headed Shark Attack (USA, 2015)

“MORE HEADS! MORE DEADS!” That’s actually the tag line on the poster of 3 Headed Shark Attack. Granted, I added the exclamation marks which may serve to prove that maybe, once and for all, even production company Asylum are getting tired of the drivel they’re producing. That, or it’s just another blunder in a series…

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DVD Review: An Invisible Sign (USA, 2010)

An Invisible Sign paints with numbers in the worst possible way. This quirky film could have been an engaging look at a young woman who grapples with her father’s illness. But instead it has an unlikeable lead character and is an unrealistic and confused movie that meanders and plods along. The film marks the feature…

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DVD Review: Survivor (MA15+) (USA, 2014)

This is the next bad sci-fi that you need to see. Critics have spurned it as “the science fiction that even science fiction fans won’t like”. That’s a pretty harsh call. Let’s assess why Survivor did not survive the heat of film reviewers. It has a splash of sci fi favourites like Kevin Sorbo and Rocky Meyers. It…

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SXSW Film Review: Ned Rifle (USA, 2014)

Ned Rifle is the final instalment in an American, satirical trilogy by writer and director, Hal Hartley. It fails to stand up as its own separate film and it is difficult for newcomers to follow (as Hartley gives little away and it has been so long between the release of this and the earlier instalments,…

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DVD Review: Way Of The Wicked (USA & Canada, 2014)

The Way Of The Wicked is the film version of a dead-end. At first glance it offers some promise as it’s a story about a satanic, teenage boy who has telekinetic powers. But it’s not long before the proceedings go from haunting to staid and the drama becomes predictable and forgettable. The story begins with…

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DVD Review: Between Us (USA, 2012)

Between Us first found success as an off-Broadway play but it fails as a film. The story focuses on two key episodes in two pairs of couple’s lives and exposes the flawed relationships between themselves and with each other. It is supposed to be an arty, intense and cerebral drama but instead it feels like…

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DVD Review: The Angriest Man In Brooklyn (USA, 2014)

The Angriest Man In Brooklyn could be dubbed “The Diary Of A Mad Man”. The film is a straight-to-DVD release directed by Phil Alden Robinson and stars comedian, Robin Williams as one obnoxious lawyer. After being told he has 90 minutes left to live the irate curmudgeon engages in a frenzied, amazing race around New…

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Film Review: I, Frankenstein (M15+) (USA, 2014)

The reviews have been so particularly harsh for I, Frankenstein that you would expect to actually enjoy the film; having your standards dropped so low that surely semi-competent performances by Aaron Eckhart; and Bill Nighy could be enough to derive at least some satisfaction. Right? Wrong. The film is as unimpressive as you’ve probably already…

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Hello Asia! Japanese Film Festival 2013 Review: The Complex (クロユリ団地) (Japan, 2013)

The Complex is the latest horror offering from Director Hideo Nakata, who’s credited with directing the original versions of the Ring 1 & 2. To complement the release, a 12 episode drama titled Kuroyuri Danchi was aired prior, which follows events leading up to those that take place in the film. Although the film debuted…

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Film Review: Camille Claudel, 1915 (France, 2013)

Poor Camille Claudel. The famous artist would create a lasting legacy of sculptures and drawings that are still important and relevant today. But she was also one tortured artist. Camille Claudel 1915 attempts to capture all of these emotions and feelings. It’s also a French biopic that is a claustrophobic chronicle of three days in her sad life. Claudel…

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Possible Worlds Film Festival Review: You Make Me Feel So Young (2013, USA)

Some of you have seen it. Heck, some of you may have even been in a similar situation. You Make Me Feel So Young is centred on a deteriorating relationship between two American twenty-somethings. The film is the work of writer/director, Zach Weintraub who also doubles as the film’s star. He is the boyfriend of Justine (Justine Eister). After…

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