No matter how Hollywood tries to sell it, remake will always be a word deemed blasphemous to cinephiles the world over. Sure, they can throw out terms such as reboot or reimagining or revisioning, but regardless of the spin, they all refer to the same type of picture. And because it’s one we have experienced…
Read moreAn Immersive, Interactive experience brings with it the opportunity for Players to make their own decisions, choose their own paths, play with the freedom they want – but is it problematic when the player is thrust into playing an Angry Protagonist? The above video is from the gameplay showcase of DOOM Eternal, developed by id…
Read moreI have a confession to make: I was wrong about a game I reviewed last year. Given that my judgement is understood to be both unassailably correct and final as if etched in granite, know that I am as shocked as you are. But how does something like that happen? I’m a critic – shouldn’t…
Read moreMarvel Studios and Warner Bros. have very different opinions on what makes a good superhero movie. To date, Marvel’s formula has worked out a lot better for them than Warner’s, but then again the WB is only now getting the ball rolling on their DC Cinematic Universe. On the topic of how successful Warner’s strategy…
Read moreIf the success of Doctor Who is anything to go by, fandom can be a profitable market in the world of Cinema. This past weekend, the first episode of the new season of the series brought in some $700,000 in Australia alone. That’s at least 40,000 tickets around the country in limited release, in the…
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