Other Places

Live Review: Battles + Witch Hats + Other Places – The Forum (28.01.12)

There was a thing at this gig that became curiously weird; Battles, a mainly instrumental band using new styles of music composition were playing in a venue with old concrete walls. Walking into particular areas of The Forum and then smelling an odour of dampness was peculiar for a place that looked hugely grandiose from…

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Live Review: Wunderlust + The Husbands + Other Places – Revolver Upstairs (27.08.11)

This being my very first time at Revolver Upstairs, I walked around like a complete git, not knowing where the freaking bandroom was and looking like a complete idiot for 20 minutes or so. This made me late for probably half of Other Places. From the music (or should that be ‘experimentation with sound’, I…

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