
Let me tell you about why I love PAX Aus

“Shit, have they capped the line?” wondered a 20-something woman in a home made Bayonetta cosplay, arriving only minutes before Saturday night’s Let’s Play Some Bad Dating Sims panel in the Galah Theatre. Her boyfriend, dressed less ambitiously in a tee and jeans, stared hopelessly at the line. “Guys!” I called excitedly from my position…

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POPSART: La Boite’s HWY – Deconstructing ‘Australian-ness’ through theatre

Australian theatre is so male and white. Main stage subscriber theatre is irrelevant. Theatre is a boutique heritage industry. I have been having these conversations for years and to varying degrees these statements are true. But culture is not static, it grows and evolves and theatre is now transforming itself; driven by the artist that…

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PAX AUS 2016: Day Three Wrap Up

The sun has set on the third and final day of PAX Aus 2016. As the the last punters streamed of the Final Round of the Omegathon in Main Hall, there was a genuine sense of glumness mingled with satisfaction in the air. PAX is over for another year and we’re deeply bummed about that,…

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