
Sydney’s Burger Head is doing up a hot cheetoh fried chicken burger

“This one looks like it’d fit right into the movie Pineapple Express”, write Sydney’s feverishly popular Burger Head on Facebook, referring to the restaurant’s weekly special. As with several of the city’s most popular burger spots, Penrith-born Burger Head does up a unique and inventive burger each week which is almost always lapped up in…

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Fratelli Famous and The Bavarian open dual restaurant in Penrith (Sydney)

It seems the fast-casual arm of Rockpool Dining Group isn’t set to slow down anytime soon. Last year the group debuted sister spin-offs for Fratelli Fresh – the DIY pizza joint Fratelli Famous – and German favourite Bavarian Bier Café – The Bavarian. Both were blended into a dual venue in the central surrounds of…

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Three fine dining chefs team up to open Burger Head in Penrith (Sydney)

Take chefs who’ve earned their individual chops at the likes of Momofuku Seiobo, Quay and Master and put them all in the kitchen together. You’d expect greatness right? Right. By all accounts that’s what you’ll find at their collective Penrith venture, Burger Head. Yep, you may have guessed from the name that this is yet…

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Down N’ Out: Hashtag Burgers bring their In-N-Out style burger pop up to Penrith (Sydney)

After causing global headlines with their Pokeburgers, the insanely popular Down N’ Out pop up in the city has officially extended to Sydney’s west, opening up on Penrith’s main strip of High Street. The team behind the pop-up, Hashtag Burgers, have been serving up In-N-Out inspired burgers to massive queues for a few months now,…

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