Perth Writers Festival

Perth International Arts Festival presents “art without borders” in their 2017 program

Themes of migration, reconciliation, accessibility and empathy form the heart of Perth International Arts Festival’s 2017 programming. Over the course of 24 days, from Feb 10th to March 5th, Perth will play host to over 700 artists from around the world, to 11 Australian exclusives and to 5 World premieres, all to better understand and…

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Philosopher AC Grayling to unravel the Age of Genius in Perth for one evening only

Philosopher and best selling author AC Grayling is returning to Australia next month; and will be including a stop in Perth for an out of season Perth International Arts Festival event. One of Britain’s foremost public intellectuals, Grayling will be talking on the subject of his new book The Age of Genius. The address entitled…

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Arts Review: Perth Writers Festival Opening Address – Ahdaf Soueif: On Art and Politics – Octagon Theatre (21.02.13)

As many of you are undoubtedly aware, in 2011 there was an uprising of the Egyptian people against President Hosni Mubarak, the leader at the time. An uprising that successfully saw Mubarak removed from power, and became the catalyst for other uprisings in what became dubbed the “Arab Spring”. Since then media coverage has dropped…

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