

Phondupe gives us the 5 albums that influenced his debut album Onykia

Sydney artist Phondupe, the moniker for Rich Lucano, has just released his debut album, Onykia. It’s an album we’ve been eagerly looking forward to, having showcased Phondupe in our 20 artists to watch in 2020 list. Phondupe is a multi-dimensional artist with skills across the spectrum. Producing lush intricate soundscapes, and possessing a voice that…

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20 Artists To Watch in 2020 from Australia and Around the World

It’s hard to believe we’re already two months into the New Year, but already we’re discovering so much amazing new music and artists who are set to explode in the year ahead. Here’s just 20 artists you need to be looking out for in 2020… presented in alphabetical order. Badflower Badflower, a band formed in…

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