I’m a huge boxing fan, and I still jump on Fight Night Champion to this day. While that’s still accessible on my Xbox Series X via backwards compatibility, I’ve eagerly awaited the next great boxing game. Enter Undisputed. From developer Steel City Interactive comes that next big swing, attempting to receive the sport in the video game…
Read moreIn a media age where remakes, sequels, and reboots dominate, the weaponising of nostalgia has brought both glee and despair to gamers everywhere. When handled with care, recycling the old can be a fun exercise but there is something to be said for finding something new in the familiar. Akimbot, the latest release by Evil…
Read moreI’m a sucker for anything Cyberpunk-infused or tech noir. Blending futuristic themes like technology with old-school plots and character arcs has always appealed to me, ever since watching Blade Runner for the very first time as a young teen. Nobody Wants to Die admittedly came out of nowhere, but it intrigued me immediately with its…
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