Boy, Nintendo sure have been dropping high profile titles like there’s no tomorrow. It wasn’t that long ago that we got our hands on Fire Emblem: Three Houses and here now we have Astral Chain. This Switch-exclusive got its hooks in early, keeping me from sleeping on a 12-hour flight and some subsequent nights after….
Read moreThe short cinematic trailer for PlatinumGames’ new title Babylon’s Fall features massive knights brawling with blade and magic.
Read moreBoy, Bayonetta 2 is … a lot, isn’t it? There’s so much going on with this game that I barely know where to start talking about it. Maybe let’s start with the fact that its been re-released on the Nintendo Switch and go from there.
Read moreNieR: Automata is immediately recognisable as a special game, which thrives on its world, characters, mechanics and ultimately the questions it raises and how they are posed to the player. While remaining engaging and thought provoking, platinum games brings back the combat mechanics seen in their previous titles such as Bayonetta and Metal Gear Rising…
Read moreMicrosoft Studios have pulled the plug on PlatinumGames’ forthcoming dragon-centric action title Scalebound after two years of development.
Read morePlatinumGames (Bayonetta, Transformers Devastation) have revealed that they’re working on a new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles game called Mutants in Manhattan and thanks to the trailer they dropped, we can tell you that it looks wonderful. First thing you’ll notice are those sweet cel shaded visuals. Granted, I’ve been a sucker since I first laid eyes on…
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