Pork Pie

Gold Coast Film Festival Review: Pork Pie (New Zealand, 2017) only bolsters the legacy of the original

After more than thirty years, the amber Mini has once more made the journey from tip to tip in the Land of the Long White Cloud. Pork Pie brings the 1981 New Zealand classic Goodbye Pork Pie into the 21st century, and it returns with more than just the mini. Goodbye Pork Pie played a…

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Win a double pass to see Pork Pie, in cinemas May 4th.

Jon (Dean O’Gorman, THE HOBBIT Trilogy, TRUMBO), a charming but out-of-luck novelist, musters the bravery needed to try and win back the love of his life by surprising her at a friend’s wedding. One problem: he’s in Auckland and the wedding is in Wellington. After a failed attempt to make the journey south in his…

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