PS4. Xbox One

Games Review: A Way Out (PS4, 2018): Greatness through simplicity

“Fuck the Oscars! This is the real shit, right here.” At least that is what creator and director Josef Fares said loud and clear regarding his new title A Way Out at the 2017 Game Awards. Given his enthusiasm, it wasn’t a stretch to believe that this experience would not be an extremely good one,…

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Games Review: Metal Gear Survive (PS4, 2018) is tough to live through

To put it simply, Metal Gear Survive should not exist. Before evaluating the strengths and weaknesses of the title, one must first address the point of its existence in the first place. The Metal Gear series is famous for its stealth mechanics and intriguing story about the changing landscapes of technology in our world, topped…

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“Come and fu*kin’ get me, you fascist Nazi pigs.” The Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus launch trailer is here

The marketing for Bethesda’s Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus has been among the year’s absolute best. After finding itself in the peculiar position of having to defend its core tenet of “Fuck Nazis” in a world where white nationalists rally in the open, the game has steered aggressively into any and all online resistance. It’s final trailer ahead…

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Video Games Review: Life Is Strange: Before the Storm Ep. 1 is a worthwhile prequel

Guess what, Life Is Strange is back and guess what? I played it, you want to know what else? All my fears of it being a shoe-horn tie in for some quick payout were put to rest, Life Is Strange: Before the Storm only grows on the originals strengths and weaknesses and we are left…

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Gamescom 2017: Ubisoft reveals a stylish new cinematic trailer for Assassin’s Creed: Origins

While Assassin’s Creed: Origins may have been revealed at this year’s E3, that didn’t stop Ubisoft from showing us yet another fresh look at the newest Assassin’s Creed entry.

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E3 2017: Microsoft reveals gameplay for Assassin’s Creed: Origins

Assassin’s Creed: Origins has been all but officially revealed at this point, but during Microsoft’s E3 press conference, we were finally shown some gameplay. The trailer above shows our new main character, Bayek, as he scours a remote Egyptian town to pursue an elusive target. While the game looks familiar to the naked eye, combat…

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Video Games Review: Dreamfall Chapters (PS4, 2017) dreams big, but falls a little flat

The Dreamfall timeline is a complicated one. Bear with us. The original game, The Longest Journey, released in 2000 and was followed up in 2006 with Dreamfall: The Longest Journey. It lay dormant for nine years until the launch of Dreamfall Chapters, an episodic continuation of the series. The first episode of Dreamfall Chapters released in 2014 but its fifth and…

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Video Game Review: For Honor hacks and slashes its way to victory

From the beginning, it is immediately apparent that For Honor is a special game. Games of this caliber that not only present intricate and diverse mechanics that allow for fluid moment-to-moment gameplay, but remain addictive and fulfilling at the same time, expecting players to tackle its mechanics with both persistence and patience.  For Honor puts players…

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Video Games Review: XCOM 2 (PS4, XBOX ONE, 2016)

After spending the last six months as a PC exclusive, XCOM 2 has finally arrived on consoles. With everything going on in the world of gaming and VR, it has taken some time to finally dig into the game and enjoy it while sharing a few little comparisons to its PC counterpart which was released…

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Video Games Review: Batman: The Telltale Series – Episode 1 (Xbox One, 2016)

Those genius folk over at Telltale Games are back. While we all anxiously await the new chapter in their popular Walking Dead series, we can add another great monthly treat to our games library. Batman: The Telltale Series.

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