Red Dog: True Blue

Win a double pass to see Red Dog: True Blue

If you’re not familiar with Red Dog, the original film is the story of a charismatic kelpie who roamed the West Australian outback in the 1970s, hitching rides, adopting people and uniting communities along the way. The original film was beloved by Australians of all ages. Red Dog: True Blue is a prequel set in…

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The first teaser trailer is released for Red Dog‘s origin story, Red Dog: True Blue

Featuring classic Australian scenery and a very familiar dog, the first teaser for the anticipated prequel Red Dog: True Blue, has been released. The film is positioned as an origin story to Kriv Stenders’ 2011 film Red Dog, which starred Josh Lucas and was a massive box office hit; the number one Australian film in the Box Office…

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The Top Ten Australian Films to look out for in 2016

2015 was a spectacle for Australian films, securing our biggest year ever in the box office, as well as performing in the Oscars at levels not seen since Peter Weir. And the light looks to continue shining through 2016, with a selection of Australian and Australian-associated films determined to prove the worth of Australian cinema…

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