Remy Hii

Interview: Scarygirl‘s Remy Hii on his love of animation and finding the right voice for his unique character

From the glamour of Crazy Rich Asians to the Christmas cheer of The Princess Switch 3, by way of being Tom Holland’s romantic rival in Spider-Man: Far From Home, Malaysian-Australian actor Remy Hii certainly forged a formidable path in his career thus far. But I don’t think any of that prepared him for the “Giant,…

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Film Review: Scarygirl invites its viewers to embrace the power of positivity in even the darkest of days

Watching Scarygirl it becomes even more increasingly annoying that Australian cinema hasn’t embraced animation as thoroughly as we should.  Sure, we have the likes of Blinky Bill and Ferngully to claim as our own (and, yes, I’m aware of Happy Feet, but it feels like an entity separate from the more independently funded productions), but,…

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Film Review: Crazy Rich Asians (USA, 2018) is a well-executed romantic comedy with grounded observations on family traditions

A film like Crazy Rich Asians is a long time coming. For the past 25 years, since the release of Wayne Wang‘s expansive drama, The Joy Luck Club, there haven’t been a lot of films in the Hollywood system that featured Asian-Americans in substantial roles; let alone managed to assemble a talented ensemble cast. Whilst, the…

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Netflix has officially landed Down Under

To celebrate the official launch of Netflix in Australia we were lucky enough to pop along to the red carpet event at the Museum of Contemporary Art the other night. Attending the event was a stack of celebrities, most of whom all feature on programs we’ll get to see on the streaming service provider. We…

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