Resident Evil 2

All the announcements from Capcom Showcase 2022

Capcom had decided to add to the flurry of announcements that is Summer Game Fest 2022, in the wake of this year’s E3 cancellation. While we had previously been aware that today’s news would be based on currently announced projects and releases, we thought we would dive in and unpack each of the announcements in…

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The AU Review’s Game of the Year 2019

It hasn’t been easy to choose as a Game of the Year for 2019. This has been a pivotal year for the games industry. With new consoles on the horizon, and several high profile AAA titles delaying into early 2020, independent games have been able to take the spotlight in a big way. The games…

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Games Review: Resident Evil 2 sets a new standard for video game remasters

The following admission may be considered scandalous by Resident Evil devotees: My first experience with the series was when Resident Evil 2 was first ported to the Nintendo 64. It was no small feat getting the game to run on the N64, given the storage limitations presented by its cartridges. FMV cutscenes and large amounts…

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PAX Aus 2018: Hands on with Resident Evil 2

For those old enough to have played Resident Evil 2 the first time around (or perhaps later in one of its numerous ports), there will be a lot about Capcom’s ground-up remaster that will feel familiar. There will also be a lot that is wholly new. In updating a twenty year old game for a…

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PAX Aus 2018: Matt’s Top 5 Experiences From the Show Floor

It’s no secret that PAX Aus is one of the most talked about events in Australian games industry calendar. With that being said, you can imagine it’s quite busy, with three days of non-stop action for fans from across the nation and the world. With an overwhelming amount of AAA titles, indie marvels and everything…

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