
Series Review: Netflix’s Apple Cider Vinegar is a unique telling of Australia’s ill-famed scammer

It’s no secret that Belle Gibson is one of the most infamous scammers in Australia’s history. In the rise of social media in the early 2010s, she used her platform as a space to promote healing and wellness, speaking of her multiple illnesses, inoperable stage 4 brain cancer, and how alternative medicine and healthy eating…

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Film Review: Bonnard, Pierre And Marthe is as much a love story as it is a character study

Behind every great man is a great woman. Especially if that man is as shrouded in mystery and as reclusive as post-impressionist French painter and printmaker Pierre Bonnard. Bonnard, Pierre & Marthe is as much a character study as it is a love story about the decade-spanning romance between famed painter Pierre Bonnard (Vincent Macaigne)…

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Mark Muposta-Russell

Book Review: Mark Muposta-Russell’s deadly debut The Hitwoman’s Guide to Reducing Household Debt is a hit(woman)

I have to admit, I mostly picked this one up for two reasons – the title, and because I chuckled at the premise. The Hitwoman’s Guide to Reducing Household Debt, the debut novel from Mark Muposta-Russell, promised to be everything I love in a book – funny and quirky, but still full of enough heart…

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Nobody Wants to Die serves up a compelling and well-paced noir thriller

I’m a sucker for anything Cyberpunk-infused or tech noir. Blending futuristic themes like technology with old-school plots and character arcs has always appealed to me, ever since watching Blade Runner for the very first time as a young teen. Nobody Wants to Die admittedly came out of nowhere, but it intrigued me immediately with its…

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Book Review: Josephine Rowe’s Here Until August is a collection to savour

Josephine Rowe‘s newest collection of short stories, Here Until August is a slim but beautiful looking collection. It’s striking blue and purple cover makes you want to pick it up. And you should, because what is inside is just as fascinating as out. It begins with the story “Glisk” (winner of the 2016 ABR/Elizabeth Jolley Prize)…

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Games Review: Dark Souls Remastered (PS4, 2018): If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it

The classic game that started it all has returned, this time to the next generation of consoles. It’s hard to define just what makes the Dark Souls series so damn good, but upon playing the original 7 years after it’s 2011 release, I couldn’t think of a better way to return to one of the…

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