Rhett Reese

The role written for Patrick Swayze, Jean Claude Damme and Sylvester Stallone that ended up in the palms of Bill Murray

On the most recent episode of Kevin Smith’s Geeking Out, Zombieland writers Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick spoke about one of the most iconic moments from their feature length film. This moment is of course, the discovery and subsequent murder of an apocalypse surviving, zombie impersonating Bill Murray. A part that (like every part he…

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Blu-Ray Review: Deadpool (MA15+, USA, 2016)

For a while there it looked like the only version of Deadpool we’d ever see on the big screen was the somewhat cringe-inducing one we saw in X-Men Origins: Wolverine. Studio execs at Fox were unsure about how to move forward with the character and make it a viable film. But when some test footage…

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