
Webjet just launched a 20 per cent off sale for domestic packages

In a nod to the return of national travel, Webjet has now launched a 72-hour sale for Aussie travellers with prices for domestic packages slashed by 20%. It follows a massive flight sale over the weekend by Qantas Group, which saw tens of thousands of flights sold for as little as $19. Now, people have…

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Not enough games on your Mac? Get on this sale now.

Bastion of the long-suffering Mac gamer,, is currently running their Super Summer Sale. The sale applies some substantial discounts to recent and big-name titles, and it’s on until July 5. Toady’s promoted deals include Rome: Total War II – Emperor Edition for $22.95 (down from $59.95), Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel for $23.99 (also down from $59.99) and the wildly…

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