San Andreas

San Andreas sequel in the works with Dwayne Johnson returning

Sequel to last year’s hit disaster film San Andreas has now been confirmed with majority of cast and crew expected to return. Dwayne Johnson will be returning along with producer Beau Flynn and director Brad Peyton. Neil Widener and Gavin James have been brought on board to write the script for the sequel. We can…

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DVD Review: San Andreas (USA, 2015)

San Andreas is a fault line that extends through a large majority of California and is overdue for a BIG earthquake. “It’s not a matter of if but when” is the premonition that Lawrence (Paul Giamatti) a professor of seismology gives his class at Caltech, and after years of research into the prediction of earthquakes,…

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Film Review: San Andreas (M, USA, 2015)

San Andreas is a fault line that extends through a large majority of California and is overdue for a BIG earthquake. “It’s not a matter of if but when” is the premonition that Lawrence (Paul Giamatti) a professor of seismology gives his class at Caltech, and after years of research into the prediction of earthquakes,…

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Dwayne Johnson’s disaster flick San Andreas gets a trailer

  Not to be confused with gaming giant Grand Theft Auto and its PS2 record breaker, San Andreas – Dwayne Johnsons latest venture – is no less exciting. And now its has a trailer. Who doesn’t love a classic disaster movie? While Roland Emmerich has entered a couple of duds into the sub-genre, Brad Peyton…

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