Santa Monica Studios

Games Review: God of War (PS4, 2018), Raw, Punishing, Beautiful and Heartfelt

After over five years in development, Sony’s Santa Monica Studio’s God of War is back and I think you know by now, it’s a triumphant return for one of PlayStations greatest anti-hero’s and god defying badasses, Kratos.

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The Art of War: A Brief, Personal History of Santa Monica Studios and God of War

I’ve been thinking about God of War a lot lately. Over the course of this piece, I wanted to discuss the memories I had from the very beginning of the God of War video game series, while briefly touching on the history of their releases, the change of directors and the profitable growth of the…

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Games Interview: God of War Director Cory Barlog on bringing the series back to life, inspirations, mo-cap and podcasts!

I recently had the opportunity to chat with the god of Santa Monica Studios Cory Barlog, about this week’s God of War. It’s a small indie title, not many people have heard of it before, but we thought we would jump in on it and get into some of the creative process and behind the…

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Celebrate the release of God of War By Crafting Your Own Leviathan Axe

In partnership with the lovely folks at Eveleigh Works, Playstation Australia have launched a God of War-inspired axe-making course where participants will forge their own ornamental replica of Kratos’ Leviathan Axe from the game.

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Games Preview: The New God of War is Everything We’ve Been Asking For

Like quite a number of people, I was excited yet a little skeptical when Sony announced a new installment to the venerable God of War series. Was Santa Monica Studios going to roll out the same game but in a different skin? I got to be among the first in the world to find out, getting…

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Put in for annual leave now: God of War launches on April 20

The all-new, all-different God of War is coming to PS4 in just a few short months. Developed by PlayStation in-house developer Santa Monica Studios, God of War presents a very different Kratos to the gruff, combo-building brawler most players are familiar with. The new game sees Kratos tending to a young son, living a much more low-key life…

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E3 2017: Kratos slashes his way back into E3 with a new God of War trailer

God of War was announced at last year’s Sony E3 press conference, unveiling an older looking, grizzly Kratos who now happens to be a father.

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