The SBS network have revealed some exciting news as a new channel, SBS VICELAND will be installed on free-to-air TV next month on November 15th. The channel will be broadcasting programs, particularly aimed towards younger audiences, broadening their scope on the cultural diversity of the world through unique content they can either watch on TV…
Read moreTropfest made an announcement on Tuesday that it will be shown across eight live venues in NSW, QLD, SA and WA. The film festival is making its triumphant return on Valentines Day, Sunday 14 February 2016, making it such great news for film enthusiasts and creatives alike! With the incredible support of CGU Insurance, the…
Read moreThe final episode of Danger 5 has all come down to this – the international super team has timewarped to a future world completely overrun by Hitler, called (what else?) Hitlerland. Danger 5’s first reaction is one of panic and horror. After a bloody display in the Hitler Hat fast food joint, Holly and the…
Read moreThe Danger 5 team have found themselves in the Vatican City, attempting to track down Hitler and the slimy lizard creature that escaped from Mengele’s body in the last episode. Lizard Mengele has gathered together a troop of his own like-minded Nazis who want to overthrow Hitler. Disguised as priests in red cloaks and various…
Read moreThe tables have turned and this time it’s Danger 5 who are being chased down by major law enforcement as they are wanted for the alleged kidnapping of Holly, last episode’s ditzy blonde high school student. In the shooting range, the cops are given a pep talk by their ‘Commy’ hating Captain, whilst being fed…
Read moreWARNING: This review contains spoilers. It’s your allied super team from all corners of the globe – Danger 5 is back! This time, they’ve fly-kicked their way out of the swinging sixties and landed in the dripping excess of the eighties. Just when you thought that dastardly Hitler was dead for good, the evil mastermind turns…
Read moreThis weekend on SBS 2, the cult TV comedy Danger 5 is returning to our screens for the first time in almost three years. First, we’ll be able to relive the pulp magazine inspired original series with all 7 episodes in a marathon tomorrow (3rd January 2015). Then, Sunday night at 9.30pm on SBS 2…
Read moreWell this is escalating quickly. SBS 2’s The Feed has released a trailer for an episode this coming Thursday, featuring Australia’s top broadcast journalists in an all-out war, Anchorman style. The full segment will be part of The Feed’s final episode for 2014, which airs on Thursday November 27 at 7:30pm. David Marr oversees the…
Read moreGot the post-budget blues? A daily dose of The Feed could be what you need! Even if we obviously wouldn’t be able to escape the miserable beast’s claws in a half hour news slot. The budget was given a cursory damning in the opening news collection, and as obvious as it was that a youth…
Read morePremiering Monday 12 on SBS 2, a new six-part Australian series will follow three friends – Gonzo, Nick, and Parv – on the road less travelled in the expansive United States of America. Unplanned America is about the in-depth exploration that evolved from a lack of travel books, an aversion of backpacker guides, and seemingly…
Read moreWith addiction week now at an end, The Iris looks back on five stories that really caught our attention during the week. As is typical with The Feed itself, some stories are serious, others are more fun – but everything is informative in its own way: 5. Porn Free: What life is really like when…
Read moreOpening a potentially very heavy week of nightly evening news with a lighter story is a wise move- and that’s certainly what the team at The Feed appeared to be doing by having a story about cane toad licking addicted dogs kick off its Addiction Week. As cartoonish as this story may sound on paper…
Read moreThe Feed kicked off the second week of its second season with what seemed like a cruel tease of Back to the Future technology only to lead us into decidedly heavier news. The riots and breakouts on the Manus Island detention centre are troubling and depressing realities to our current asylum seeker policy are always…
Read moreWhat was probably the heaviest (and last) episode of the week saw the crew from The Feed tackling pig hunting, sexual abuse, Olympic hanky panky and nudist churches. Just another evening on SBS2! The lead headlines are always the least fascinating part of the show, yet Marc Fennell manages to get the show cooking with…
Read moreCurrently celebrating “drug week”, Larry Heath caught up with Jeannette Francis from SBS2’s current affairs series The Feed to talk about the week, a taste of what’s to come before this series comes to an end – and we celebrate the fact SBS has commissioned the series to return in 2014, doubling its length from…
Read moreThree disconnected episodes make up this incredibly visceral short series, created by the incredibly talented and thought-provoking Charlie Brooker. The series has been described by some as a tragicomedy, and while it does have hints of sharp, witty humour throughout, the show is much more bone-chilling than anything else. A pervasive theme throughout the series…
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