Comedy Review: Grey hair is glitter and other lessons from A Flying Photon

Arriving off the back of a successful run at the Adelaide Fringe, A Flying Photon at Giant Dwarf in Sydney is science, with a twist. The twist being – it’s actually interesting. We are introduced to Rachel Rayner, Science Explainer, who is a ‘science communicator, poet and performer’. With a background in physics, Rayner begins…

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SXSW Film Review: Human Nature (USA, 2019) describes powerful science & possibilities from tomorrow

At SXSW 2017, American biochemist, Jennifer Doudna was telling everybody about CRISPR. Allow me one last Human Nature reference… Doudna was telling the last ones to know about a new technology that has the potential to alter genes. Human Nature is a documentary that takes a deep dive into this fascinating scientific world, and chronicles…

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Sonos-conducted study finds that communal music forges interpersonal bonds, gets you laid

Wireless speaker manufacturer Sonos has been conducting a bit of an experiment recently. They surveyed 30,000 people from around the world (4,000 of whom were right here in Australia) via a 40-question survey regarding their musical habits and how those listening habits affect the people they spend time with in a positive way. Now completed,…

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