She Loves

The Iris’ Sydney Film Festival Awards: Naming the Best of the 2016 Screenings

With a mammoth lineup of over 240 films, this year’s Sydney Film Festival was one of the best efforts yet. From the return of Mel Gibson in Blood Father to the crude-but-evocative absurdism of Swiss Army Man, there was a lot on offer. We’ve compiled our picks for the best of the festival below: Best Australian film…

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Sydney Film Festival Review: Europe, She Loves (Sweden, 2015)

If there’s anything that sticks with you the most about Jan Gassmann’s latest documentary effort Europe, She Loves, it’s the striking cinematography. A surprisingly intimate look into the emotions and lives of five couples across Europe, the film never really looks, nor feels, like a documentary. It wears its authenticity with pride, inviting you to engage and…

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