Simon Kinberg

Ridley Scott to reunite team behind The Martian for Zahler’s Wraiths of the Broken Land

The creative team behind last year’s sci-fi drama (or comedy, if you’re The Golden Globes) The Martian, are reuniting to adapt writer/director S. Craig Zahler’s novel Wraiths of the Broken Land.  Twentieth Century Fox has picked up the rights to the revenge-fueled Western, with Ridley Scott set to direct and Drew Goddard to pen the script. Zahler’s 2013…

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DVD/Blu-Ray Review: X-Men: Days of Future Past “Rogue Cut” (USA, 2015)

I think I was amongst many confused fans after watching X-Men: Days of Future Past last year upon seeing Anna Paquin’s name so high in the credits, especially given that I’d only seen the back of Rogue’s head once throughout the entire duration of the film. As soon as I got home, I ran to my computer…

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