SOLO: A Star Wars Story

Watch Childish Gambino explain what it’s like to portray Lando through fashion

Solo: A Star Wars Story has topped the Australian box office this weekend, claiming the number 1 spot thanks to a little touch of Calrissian charisma. In a newly released featurette Lando Style with Donald Glover, we get to go behind the scenes with actor Donald Glover (The Martian) as we get a sneak peek…

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Film Review: Solo: A Star Wars Story (USA, 2018) is the epitome of fun fan servicing

Once again we return to a galaxy far, far away for another installment in the “A Star Wars Story” films. This time we explore the back story of one of our favourite rogues Han Solo, the people and aliens he meets up with, and their misadventures aboard the iconic Millenium Falcon. We first meet Han…

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Interview: Mark Raats on his SOLO: A Star Wars Story mural sitting tall and majestic in the heart of Melbourne CBD

As an Australian based Illustrator, Mark Raats has been around the world a couple of times more than most, having his artwork recognised and purchased by the likes of J.J. Abrams and George Lucas. Working alongside Lucasfilm among many others on projects now for well over 25 years, Mark never ceases to amaze with his stunning work….

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