Someplace Else

Watch Riley Blakeway’s new short film Someplace Else, presented by Corona Extra

With the release of Someplace Else, the new short film directed by Riley Blakeway, we celebrate the subcultures that sit hand in hand with the breezy Corona Extra lifestyle. Here you will find the joys encompassed in one week, lost and found, in the unique area of Mexico. Presented by Corona Extra, Someplace Else is…

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Exclusive Interview: Jeff Canham speaks on his experiences in Someplace Else

Directed by Riley Blakeway, Corona Extra Presets Someplace Else is a special short film which follows an eclectic group of artistic individuals as they embark on the ultimate road trip along the Mexican coast. They piled into a transporter bus for 7 days and 7 nights, traveling the coast, meeting locals along the way while…

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Exclusive Interview: Dylan Graves talks us through his experience on Someplace Else

Directed by Riley Blakeway, Corona Extra Presets Someplace Else is a special short film which follows an eclectic group of artistic individuals as they embark on the ultimate road trip along the Mexican coast. They piled into a transporter bus for 7 days and 7 nights, traveling the coast, meeting locals along the way while…

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New trailer for Someplace Else: Corona’s Artist Residency On The Road In Mexico

Corona Extra presents this very special short film titled “Someplace Else”, which documents Corona’s artist residency on the road in Mexico Directed by Riley Blakeway, Someplace Else features Ozzie Wright, Dylan Graves, Hanni El Khatib, Rose Ashton, Jeff Canham and Andrew Brophy. Corona Extra pulled together this eclectic group of individuals for the ultimate road…

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Exclusive Interview: Ozzie Wright talks his unique Mexican road trip, as part of Short Film Someplace Else

Directed by Riley Blakeway, Corona Extra Presets Someplace Else is a special short film which follows an eclectic group of artistic individuals as they embark on the ultimate road trip along the Mexican coast. They piled into a transporter bus for 7 days and 7 nights, traveling the coast, meeting locals along the way while…

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