Sonic Mania

Here’s your free PlayStation Plus titles for June

PlayStation Plus is offering up a whole lot of value for subscribers in June, with both Borderlands: The Handsome Collection and Sonic Mania going for the low, low price of zero dollars. Borderlands: The Handsome Collection features both Borderlands 2 and the Australian-made Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel, along with all their respective DLC. Two of the…

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Games Review: Sonic Mania Plus (Switch, 2018): Must go faster

Look, I reviewed Sonic Mania when it launched last year. I found it to be a breath of fresh air in a series comprehensively and aggressively starved of it for decades. It was the kind of modern update that walks an incredibly fine line, paying homage to what came before and pushing the property forward…

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Gaming Review: Sonic Mania Plus (Switch, 2018) offers more of an already good thing

Look, I reviewed Sonic Mania when it launched last year. I found it to be a breath of fresh air in a series comprehensively and aggressively starved of it for decades. It was the kind of modern update that walks an incredibly fine line, paying homage to what came before and pushing the property forward…

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The Iris’s Game of the Year Top 10: Honourable Mentions

2017 was such a fantastic year for games that we had to cut a great many titles we really loved from our final Top 10. There were a few titles, however, that we felt were well worth shouting out, titles that made an impression on us throughout the year. Ones we’re still thinking about now….

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Games Review: Sonic Forces (Xbox One X, 2017): Fan service meets bad design

Hello there, fellow Sonic fan. Remember that period of unalloyed joy during the launch of Sonic Mania this year? The feeling of burgeoning hope that, after 20 years of Sega openly ignoring what made their mascot great, the ol’ blue blur might finally be back on track? Well, forget all that because Sonic Forces is here to make…

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Video Games Review: Sonic Mania (Switch, 2016) is the first true Sonic game in nearly 25 years

Sonic Mania is a gift. For Sega kids everywhere, it is a portal to your childhood. For long-suffering Sonic fans, it is a well overdue homecoming. It is proof that the Sonic the Hedgehog formula, abandoned in the Saturn era, is as fun, interesting and engaging as it was in the early 90’s. After nearly 25 years of…

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Nintendo Switch: What we’ve actually played so far

During yesterday’s Nintendo Switch hands-on event in Melbourne, we got a chance to spend time with a whole host of different games for the upcoming system. We know you’re curious about how the new system works so let’s break down what we played and how they felt.

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