Southwest Airlines

U.S. operators set up new cruises and flights to Cuba as travel restrictions ease

With the gradual easing of sanctions and restrictions on Cuba from the USA (at least under Obama’s administration), U.S. Operators are, for the first time in some 55 years, able to provide their passengers service between mainland USA and Cuba. It all started back in August when JetBlue hosted the first scheduled commercial passenger flight,…

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Flight Review: Southwest Airlines – Memphis, TN to Chicago Midway (WN1470)

In today’s Flight review on AU Abroad, we take you on Southwest Airlines‘ service from Memphis, Tennessee to Chicago Midway in the USA. Airline: Southwest Airlines Route: Memphis, Tennessee (MEM) to Chicago Midway (MDW) – WN1470 Seat: 22C (aisle, 3-3 layout) Aircraft: Boeing 737-700 (73W) Scheduled Flight Time: 1 Hour 30 Minutes On Schedule? Departed 15 minutes late, arrived about 5 minutes late Frequent Flyer Program: Southwest have…

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Flight Review: Southwest Airlines – Los Angeles to San Antonio (WN3124)

We continue our Flight Review series, this time back in the USA on our way to Texas for SXSW. Instead of flying directly to Austin, I flew in via San Antonio – about 90 minutes drive from Austin – flying Southwest to get there via an affordable direct flight, here’s my review of their service:…

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