Speak No Evil

Win tickets to see James McAvoy in the new thriller Speak No Evil

To celebrate the release of Speak No Evil, in Australian theatres from September 12th, 2024, starring James McAvoy, thanks to Universal Pictures Australia we have 5 digital double passes (Admit 2) to giveaway. When an American family is invited to spend the weekend at the idyllic country estate of a charming British family they befriended…

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Speak No Evil taps into the awkwardness of human interaction and squeezes out all the horror to excruciating effect: Sundance Film Festival Review

Speak No Evil tells the story of a Danish family who are having a vacation in Tuscany, Italy. They meet a friendly and jovial family who are from the Netherlands. They both share common interests, they both have children the same age but most importantly, it is the polite camaraderie that they share that makes…

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