Splatoon 2

Video Games Review: Splatoon 2 (Switch, 2017)

When I first got my hands on Splatoon 2  at a Nintendo Switch preview event in Melbourne back in February, my first thought was that this was a rare display of laziness from Nintendo. There wasn’t anything that felt hugely different from the 2015 Wii U original other than the ability to take the game with you. I…

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Nintendo Switch: What we’ve actually played so far

During yesterday’s Nintendo Switch hands-on event in Melbourne, we got a chance to spend time with a whole host of different games for the upcoming system. We know you’re curious about how the new system works so let’s break down what we played and how they felt.

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Nintendo Switch Broadcast: Launch titles and beyond

Nintendo have revealed a few of the titles on the launch lineup for their upcoming Nintendo Switch console during this afternoon’s console-centric livestream, including The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.

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Splatoon 2 is on the way to Nintendo Switch, here’s your first look

We knew from the moment we played the original Splatoon on the Wii U that it was destined to become Nintendo’s new megafranchise and the Big N is wasting no time getting that ball rolling, announcing Splatoon 2 at their Nintendo Switch live event today.

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