Splendour in The Grass 2023

Photo Gallery: Splendour in the Grass – Byron Bay, Day 1 (21.07.23)

The sun was out and the punters were smiling at Splendour in the Grass 2023. The mud from last year was fading from memory as a stellar day of music unfolded. Amongst the early highlights of the day was Claire Rosinkranz, who seemingly brought her fans all the way from Southern California, such was the…

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Splendour In The Grass 2023 Official Sideshows Announced

July is going to be busy. As if the prospect of heading to Byron for Splendour in the Grass isn’t enough to get us worked up into a frenzy, the official Splendour in the Grass sideshows have just been announced by Secret Sounds. As with Splendour, there is something there to satisfy all tastes. Rock…

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