Square Enix

Kingdom Hearts Integrum Masterpiece on PC provides the definitive collection for fans and newcomers alike

Since its debut in 2002, the Kingdom Hearts series has enchanted gamers around the globe with its unique combination of both Final Fantasy and Disney characters. The series has earned a dedicated fanbase by blending action-packed RPG adventures with a rich tapestry of beloved intellectual properties. As someone who missed the boat as a kid—when…

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Final Fantasy VII Rebirth shows promise, but lacks the punch of its predecessor

When the Final Fantasy VII remake was initially announced, you could say it broke the internet. That original 1997 game changed the gaming landscape forever and hearing that it would be released to a new generation on a new platform made you feel like you were witnessing the second coming of Christ in gaming pop…

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Game Review: Final Fantasy 16 is a ride worth taking

For a franchise that has existed as long as Final Fantasy has, it’s amazing to see how it’s still evolving into what we now know to be Final Fantasy XVI (16). While it’s not the sixteenth game overall, the sixteenth mainline entry brings forth a new story, fresh characters and one incredibly revamped combat system….

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Dog Cosplay meets Final Fantasy XVI at Sydney’s Darlo Bar

Final Fantasy XVI is celebrating things a little differently leading up to its June 22 launch, by celebrating our beloved best doggo friends. The event will be known as Paws of Valisthea, and look to bring dogs of all breeds, shapes and sizes together at Sydney’s Darlo Bar on the 17th of June, from 10:00…

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Unwrapping all the announcements from June’s Nintendo Direct Mini

After a decent hiatus, Nintendo Direct returns once again with a flurry of announcements, covering a number of upcoming games from third-party developers. This mini, 25-minute conference dropped earlier this morning on YouTube and wasted no time in getting straight into the action. We’re here to wrap up today’s announcements, so join in on the…

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Square Enix announces Kingdom Hearts IV

Kingdom Hearts IV has been announced by Square Enix at the Kingdom Hearts 20th Anniversary Event overnight, along with a second game, titled Kingdom Hearts Missing-Link, a smaller title coming to iOS and Android platforms. The 7-minute trailer below features clips of both new games, preceded by footage of Kingdom Hearts Dark Road’s final story…

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Every announcement from PlayStation’s March State of Play

PlayStation’s State of Play stream for the month of March was short and sweet. Focusing on Japanese developers this time around, the 20-minute stream showcased both new and current games on track for 2022 and beyond. Without further ado, here are the announcements. Exoprimal Capcom’s upcoming game feels a lot like a wild take on…

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Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy Review: The Heroes We Deserve

I have to be honest. After publisher Square Enix’s last Marvel themed outing, Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy instilled a sizeable amount of doubt within me. Sure, Marvel’s Avengers was a fun cooperative experience, but it lacked any depth and heart. It seems as though the second time is the charm, as Marvel’s Guardians of…

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New Forspoken trailer gives glimpse of powers, fantasy world

Forspoken is one of a few brand new IP in the spotlight during today’s PlayStation Showcase. Originally unveiled at the PS5 Showcase last November, this new Forspoken trailer plays a bit like a young adult novel. We have a plucky young protagonist named Frey, who hails from our own real-world. Frey is pulled across dimensions…

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Guardians of the Galaxy

E3 2021: Guardians of the Galaxy game coming from Eidos Montreal

Eidos Montreal is making a single-player action game around Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy. The game puts players in control of Peter Quill, Star Lord, as he and the still newly-formed Guardians eke out a living in some of the galaxy’s sketchiest locales. The Guardians roster consists of the same line up from James Gunn’s…

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E3 2021 livestream Australian times

Where to see every E3 2021 livestream in Australian times

Looking for where you can find every E3 2021 livestream in Australian times? Look no further, friend. Below, we’ve laid out all the biggest livestreams in one handy list, with individual Aus timezones and links so you can find them on the night.   So, when does E3 start exactly? Great question. Hard to answer….

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Outriders Review: A Top-Tier Looter Shooter

From the moment we played the Outriders demo, our impression was of a functional and addictive looter shooter. Strong shooting and interesting powers overshadowed the demo’s repetitive mission structures and unrewarding grind. These are, of course, issues that affect the best in the genre. And, as a complete package, Outriders does indeed reflect the best…

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Square Enix Presents

Every trailer from today’s Square Enix Presents broadcast

The first-ever Square Enix Presents broadcast arrived early this morning, showing off a raft of new games from one of the world’s most beloved third-party publishers. Before you get too excited: there were no Final Fantasy announcements to be found. Indeed, the show ran surprisingly low on the JRPG’s that are Square’s bread and butter. However,…

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Outriders Demo Impressions: A Strong Start

On the surface, Outriders may seem like your average looter shooter. In many ways, it is. Outriders feels like an iteration of recent looter shooter RPG titles like Destiny 2 or The Division. It’s filled with mechanics and systems we’ve seen many times before. In saying that, there is still plenty to love about Outriders’…

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Bravely Default 2

Bravely Default 2 Review: Default by name and by nature

Bravely Default 2 is a long, bland parade of JRPG cliches, presenting one after another for 50 consecutive hours. Stop me if you’ve heard this one before From the moment its protagonist awakens on an unfamiliar beach, suffering amnesia, the groans and eye rolls began in earnest. Things do not improve from there. You are…

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Hitman 3 Review: Mission complete

Three years have passed since Square Enix abruptly cut ties with Hitman 3 developer IO Interactive. The good news is that there appears to have been some measure of reconciliation. Though IO is self-publishing Hitman 3 in many territories, Square Enix is the publishing partner for Hitman 3 in Oceania. Without getting into specifics, reconciliation…

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Marvel’s Avengers Review: World’s Greatest Grind

That Marvel’s Avengers released when it did could be considered great timing. With the MCU coming to a grinding halt, I was looking forward to this as a perfect replacement. But after a worrying beta filled with repetitive gameplay and awkward mission structure, Marvel’s Avengers left me with a few concerns. Its full release is…

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Marvel’s Avengers Closed Beta Preview: Shouldering a heavy load

With the way Marvel’s MCU has come to dominate the movie landscape, and AAA superhero games such as Marvel’s Spider-Man breaking sales records, there’s been a lot of interest in Square Enix’s take on Marvel’s Avengers. We got our hands on roughly three hours of gameplay in this week’s Closed Beta, and while there’s plenty…

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Marvel's Avengers

Marvel’s Avengers gameplay blends Spider-Man with Destiny

A question that has dogged Marvel’s Avengers since it’s rocky unveiling at E3 2018 has been: What the hell is it exactly? During today’s Avengers War Table broadcast, developer Crystal Dynamics finally began to answer that question in detail. Earth’s Mightiest Heroes The short version? Its Spider-Man meets Destiny. If that sounds like an odd…

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Final Fantasy VII Remake

Final Fantasy VII Remake Review: One For The Ages

In a media landscape full of remakes and remasters, it takes a masterpiece to stand out. Such is the case with Final Fantasy VII Remake, a modern take on an RPG considered one of the greatest of all time. Here it takes on another accolade — it’s also one of the greatest examples of how to…

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Final Fantasy VII Remake Preview: Home to Midgar

When your goal is to remake a game like Final Fantasy VII, where do you even begin? Lets set aside its legendary status and the pressure of delivering on such a project. Consider instead the more intricate moving parts — its characters, mechanics and systems, its visuals, art direction, and score. Its sheer size presents…

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Final Fantasy VII Remake has been delayed by a month

Final Fantasy VII Remake, the hotly anticipated remaster of the beloved JRPG, will miss its release date by a month. The game will now launch on April 10, 2020. The announcement came via the official FF7 Twitter account: A message from the #FinalFantasy VII Remake development team. #FF7R pic.twitter.com/NFYIQmytSa — FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE (@finalfantasyvii)…

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Marvel’s Avengers delayed to September

Crystal Dynamics has announced that Marvel’s Avengers will miss its May 15 release date. The game’s developer announced today that the game’s launch date has been pushed back to September 4, 2020. “When we set out to bring you our vision for Marvel’s Avengers, we committed to delivering an original story-driven campaign, engaging co-op, and…

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E3 2019: Here’s 20 minutes of the Final Fantasy VII Remake in action

Square Enix have delivered what may have been the biggest shot of raw fan service out of any E3 presentation so far. The publisher’s E3 press briefing dedicated its opening twenty minutes to Final Fantasy VII Remake, and every second of it had fans in the audience screaming with delight. Hit the embed below and…

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E3 2019: Crystal Dynamics’ Avengers looks like the superhero game of your dreams

Tomb Raider developer Crystal Dynamics have been hard at work on an Avengers game with Marvel for several years now. Their work on the title was so involved that it meant getting Eidos Montreal to help them complete 2018’s Shadow of the Tomb Raider. Avengers (we thought it would have a subtitle but it doesn’t)…

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E3 2019: Trials of Mana brings Seiken Densetsu 3 to the West for the very first time

This is a news story for anyone that came up in the early 2000’s playing Super Nintendo ROMS. Seiken Densetsu 3 was the sequel to Seiken Densetsu 2, a game released in the West under the name Secret of Mana. Secret of Mana was and is still considered one of the greatest roleplaying games ever…

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E3 2019: The Final Fantasy VII remake has a release date

We didn’t think PlayStation were making any announcements during E3 this year but here we are. You read the headline correctly. It’s not a dream. The Final Fantasy VII remake, the one we all thought might never arrive, has a release date. Well, the first half of the game has a release date at least. Remember,…

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E3 2019: Press conference times and where you can see them in Australia

E3 2019 is almost upon us. The year’s biggest storm of gaming news begins in earnest next week but the announcement-packed press conferences kick off as early as Friday morning Australian time. This year’s show promises to be a pivotal one, with two high profile changes to the lineup. The first change has to do…

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Final Fantasy XII began a new era for the series — but does it still hold up?

Final Fantasy XII is the latest in the iconic franchise to head to Nintendo Switch. This edition, The Zodiac Age, is an expanded version of an existing remaster localised for the first time in 2017 on the PlayStation 4. Like the majority of Final Fantasy remasters, ports and what-have-yous, the game looks slick, plays smoothly and…

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Playing Final Fantasy X for the first time in 2019 is fascinating and frustrating

Final Fantasy X is often spoken of in the same breath as the phrase, ‘the best game of all time.’ Released in 2001, it was the first Final Fantasy title to receive a sequel, and both games have since been remastered for new audiences in the Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster bundle. Originally released for…

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