Steven Caple Jr.

Film Review: Transformers: Rise of the Beasts is a loud, inoffensive action spectacle packed with plenty of cheese and just enough heart

Continuing from the toned-down sexualism that 2018’s Bumblebee adopted – the first Transformers sequel that was directed by someone other than series staple Michael Bay – which, coincidentally, earned the franchise its highest praise from collective critics, Steven Caple Jr.‘s Transformers: Rise of the Beasts is a similarly wholesome, Saturday morning popcorn flick that is…

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Film Review: Creed II (USA, 2018) may not touch gloves with its predecessor, but it still packs a mighty punch

If there’s one franchise that I am utterly surprised that it is still ongoing at this point, it is the franchise of Rocky Balboa by Sylvester Stallone. Proving you can’t keep a fighter down (or you can’t stop beating a dead horse), writer/director Ryan Coogler came up with the idea to reinvigorate the franchise without…

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